NPSHa centrifugal pump analysis


Step 1: Process Data Inputs
1.1 Fluid (eg butane)
1.2 Pumping Temperature (F)
1.3 Barometric Pressure, in psia
1.4 Pressure on the surface of the liquid in a closed suction tank, in psig
(Use zero (0) psig for sumps and ATMS. tanks )
1.5 Vapor Pressure at the maximum pumping temperature, in psia
1.6 Fluid's Specific Gravity
1.7 Elevation head in feet (Use positive value for flooded suction, use negative value for lifting suction)
1.8 Friction loss in feet in the suction pipe at the required capacity
1.9 Required NPSH margin in feet
Step 2: Solve
2.1 Proof steps
2.2 Solve for the NPSHa centrifugal pump